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The Fourth Estate in the US works magnificently
Comment on the US media resistance to the Trump Presidency, first drafted on March 28,
published on March 29, 2017

Yet again, we have gone silent for quite a while now.
And as before, there is a compelling reason for that.  We
are entirely consumed by the epic battle which the civil society of the US is waging to liberate itself from the
scourge of a
dangerously narcissistic and hence incompetent President. This resistance spans from the courts
to Republican Senators to regular people on the street. But the most heroic performance of all is probably
being offered at this time by a highly capable US media. No matter whether it’s the New York Times, the
Washington Post, MSNBC or CNN, to name just a few, they are all doing a fabulous job. And even Fox News
has its occasional moments of editorial independence especially when Charles Krauthammer is on. So the US
media coverage of the Trump presidency is truly encouraging and demonstrates now more than ever
why a
quality fourth estate is so indispensable to a functioning democracy.

One can only hope that the media’s fight to restore reason into the White House will not be thwarted by an
unforeseen event such as a terrorist attack that will force the US public to unite behind their President in a
show of then much needed patriotism.  Obviously, it cannot at all be discarded that such a tragedy will occur.
So, it is clearly the right thing to do not to let up and keep up the heat on this mistaken 45th Presidency.

Other than
a few statements at the outset of Trump’s reign, Noah denkt™ has not participated in this liberation
battle that the mainstream US media is so heroically waging. We have done so for two reasons. First, it seems
to us that this is an act of internal self-healing which is now taking place in the US democracy. So, foreign
voices can only marginally contribute to that. And, secondly, German commentators in particular should be
doubly careful to interject themselves into that internal debate.  After all, it cannot be denied that our home
country has a pretty sad record of resistance against a local dictator. Don’t forget that it took the German
establishment until 1944 - that is a full eleven years after Hitler’s ascend to power to undertake the first serious
coup attempt against him. So Germans really don’t have all that much to teach others on questions of
resistance and civic heroism.

Obviously, we are cognizant of the fact that there are considerable differences between the totalitarian assault
in the 30s and the populist nationalism of the Trump age. So, clearly nobody is suggesting here that POTUS 45
should be removed violently. Nevertheless, it needs to be recognized that there is quite a bit of professional
and personal courage required to publicly oppose and contradict a delusional and therefore vengeful holder of
the highest office. And probably this is the main reason why most players in the financial markets
disappointingly so chose up until now to close their eyes to the clear and present danger that an inapt
president is posing to their own mid-term prosperity.  In view of that cowardliness, the heroism of free-minded
journalists shines even brighter. So we should all take our cues from professionals like Jake Tapper, Maureen
Dowd, Mika Brzezinski, Lawrence O’Donnell and many, many others whose uncompromising honesty is just

We therefore only partly agree with David Rothkopf’s highly noteworthy analysis  (see:
Foreign Policy
Magazine) according to which the great “soul-sucking attention-eating black hole” that the narcissistic Trump
Presidency represents sucks all the air out of a meaningful pursuit of serious foreign policy. While there is quite
a bit of truth in this viewpoint, we also believe that the current liberation struggle which the US civil society is
performing against a misguided Presidency is furthering US interests abroad way more than a well-coordinated
US foreign policy could ever hope to achieve even if it were at its best. Because that heroism which is currently
on display is highlighting the superior values of freedom more than any power politics could ever hope to.  
Because this current struggle demonstrates that bad, self-obsessed rulers can be overcome by resilient
democratic resistance. And reason and balance can be restored in the end.       
© Landei Selbstverlag, owned by Wilhelm ("Wil") Leonards, Gerolstein, Germany. All rights reserved.

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US media versus the Trump White House, the liberation fight of the US media against the
Trump White House, how to overcome a delusional ruler, heroic journalists in the US take
on the Trump While House, US democracy is liberating itself from the assault of a
mistaken Presidency