Noah denkt™  -
    Project for Philosophical Evaluations of the Economy
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Intellectually we are with Mr. Romney, emotionally we are with Mr. Obama
Dialogue with the Alter Ego on the US presidential election, drafted and published on Nov. 2, 2012

Question by Alter Ego of Noah denkt™ (AE): The US presidential election is now only 4 days away. Your postings
so far have us believe that
Noah denkt™ does support Governor Romney in the upcoming election. Is that
observation correct?
Answer by Noah denkt™ (Nd): Intellectually, we are in deed closer to Mitt Romney than to President Obama. The
problem though is that we do feel a lot of sympathy for Mr. Obama which is why we have a hard time to
unequivocally position us against him.

AE: In other words, you do not want to endorse any candidate in Tuesday’s election?
Nd: Well, we supposedly have to, don’t we? After all, it would be unfair to the spirit of our project to avoid taking
hard decisions. So, if you press us on this issue, - we would probably have to stick it out with Governor Romney.

AE: It doesn’t look good for him though, does it? And that is not only because of the post-Sandy rescue effort
which gave the President the opportunity to look presidential. No, what doesn’t help Mr Romney either, is the fact
that the US economy is, albeit very slowly, making a comeback here.
Nd: Do not forget though that today’s US employment figures show that the President terminates his first term with
a higher unemployment rate than when he came to office.

AE: That is true. But the difference between now and four years ago is minute.
Nd: Sure, but should he not have done more to grow the economy?

AE: Perhaps. But it isn’t altogether his fault that the world economy couldn’t get its act together.
Nd: But it is his fault to have sided by and large with Keynesian ideology. In our mind, this indicates that he hasn’t
understood the true challenge of our times.

AE: We will probably never agree with you on
your anti-Keynesian convictions.
Nd: Noah denkt™ understands how hard it is to, both politically and intellectually, step away from a long era of
government pain killing. But it sadly seems to us as if the age of government supremacy in market manipulation is
coming to an end. The sooner we accept that the better it is.  

AE: You mean to imply that it gets increasingly difficult for governments around the world to finance counter-
cyclical market interventions when these markets become as interconnected as they are these days?
Nd: Correct.

AE: Well, the American voters will probably not endorse this view.
Nd: Too bad for them, too bad for us and too bad for the entire world.
© Landei Selbstverlag, owned by Wilhelm ("Wil") Leonards, Gerolstein, Germany. All rights reserved.

Reminder: Noah denkt™ is a project of Wilhelm ("Wil") Leonards and his Landei Selbstverlag (WL & his LSV). Consequently, all
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US Presidential Election 2012, Romney vs Obama, Obama vs Romney, endorsing Mitt
Romney, endorsing Governor Romney, endorsing candidate Romney, Keynes versus
Friedman, Obama or Romney, Romney or Obama, future of Keynesian politics