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Which GOP candidate is best suited to outshine Hillary Clinton in a Presidential
Second Statement on the 2016 GOP presidential hopefuls, first drafted on Oct. 29,
published on Oct. 30, 2015

Both the Benghazi hearing in the US House of Representatives and the CNBC debate of GOP candidates for the
Presidential nomination of Oct. 28 have provided new food for thought. Several weeks on from
our first
pronouncement on the GOP cast it seems to Noah denkt™ as if the real question with respect to that primary no
longer is: “Who is the best qualified among those GOP candidates to be Commander-in-Chief”, but rather: “Who
has the best stage presence, the best personal gravity and the best rhetorical firepower to outshine Hillary
Clinton in a future Presidential debate?” After all, it became painfully clear in last week's Benghazi Hearings that it
takes considerable dramatic skills to undue Sec. Clinton' s ability to vent a never ending flow of ceremonial fog. In
that respect, the CNBC event has helped quite a bit to further narrow down the GOP line-up to what we believe
are the best suited candidates to push Mrs. Clinton off the stage. These candidates are Donald Trump, Carly
Fiorina, Lyndsey Graham and perhaps Marco Rubio. Chris Christie and Ted Cruz may still have an outside
chance to join that group, but, ultimately, we doubt that. John Kasich and Jeb Bush however no longer make it to
our list of first-rate picks not because of their political views but due to their continued lack of shine.

The most pleasant surprise in Wednesday’s debates clearly was Sen. Lyndsey Graham. Finally he managed to
flash some of his originality and wittiness. He hence continues to be our number one choice for the office of
President of the United States of America. He not only equals Secretary Clinton in terms of experience and
analysis but he beats her in terms of clarity and confidence. Most importantly though he has repeatedly shared
the same stage with her. He has, hence, been able to take her measure many, many times. He knows that he has
a better grasp of detail, a more quick-footed mastery of strategic thinking, and a greater ease with respect to hard
policy choices.  Obviously Sen. Graham still has to up in his game when it comes to matters of the economy and
social services. But no doubt he has the capacity to eventually get there.

As far as Mr. Trump and Mrs. Fiorina are concerned, they certainly have the stage presence and charisma to go
head to head with Sec. Clinton. But they both lack experience in government affairs which should make it hard for
them to sustain over a long run the appearance of being an equal if not a superior candidate to Sec. Clinton. Part-
time Sen. Rubio might be better suited for that. But we simply cannot get over the impression that he is too young
for this.

So there you have it: It is either Lyndsey Graham or else….
© Landei Selbstverlag, owned by Wilhelm ("Wil") Leonards, Gerolstein, Germany. All rights reserved.

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2015 Presidential Candidacy of Sen. Lyndsey Graham, Lyndsey Graham's
performance in the 2015 GOP Debates, Lyndsey Graham in the 2015 GOP
Primary, Lyndsey Graham's campaign for the Presidency, Lyndsey Graham
versus Hillary Clinton, Lyndsey Graham as Commander-in-Chief